General terms
- By participating in Neurobics’ therapies, you agree to these terms and conditions.
- An introductory conversation/intake is mandatory prior to starting a therapy process. In this intake, you will be introduced and your working methods, goals, and expectations will be discussed. Agreements will be made regarding the duration and frequency of the therapies. Additionally, an EEG measurement will be performed. Based on the intake, both parties may decide not to proceed with a therapy process, in which case we will not carry out the QEEG. Only an invoice for the intake/QEEG will be issued, if applicable. If it is decided to start a therapy process after the intake, the normal costs for a therapy session will be charged for the intake. Based on the intake and any observation period, a treatment plan will be developed. The treatment plan will include a description of the problem, goals, and agreements for the therapy. The treatment plan will be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted during the treatment.
- An individual therapy session must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance. If canceled on the day of the session, a fee of 50 euros will be charged. If you do not show up for the session without canceling, the full amount of the therapy session will be charged.
- If the therapy is canceled by Neurobics, no fees will be charged for that therapy.
Neurobics cannot be held liable in any way for the loss, damage, and/or theft of personal property.
- Neurobics is registered with the Dutch Healthcare Federation (NFG) and the Register of Complementary Healthcare Professionals (RBCZ).
- Neurobics acts in accordance with the guidelines set out in the professional code for therapeutic professions.
Complaints or disputes
- Neurobics complies with the requirements set out in the Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz). If you are dissatisfied, it is best to first contact Roland Verment of Neurobics directly. If we cannot reach a resolution, you can contact the complaints officer. This can be done by contacting the NFG, www.de-nfg.nl, the professional association to which Neurobics is affiliated. They can be reached at info@de-nfg.nl or 0592-820030. The professional association will contact the independent complaints secretary.
- If you have complaints about the care provided, you have the option of using an independent complaints officer for free.
- If the mediation of the complaints officer does not lead to the desired result, the client may turn to the independent disputes committee Zorggeschil, which is recognized by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. This can only be done after completing the first stage and receiving the opinion of the healthcare provider. The next stage of this process will initially go through the NFG, my professional association.
Reporting code of child abuse
- Neurobics has a code of conduct for reporting child abuse. This code states how a therapist should handle the identification and reporting of domestic violence and child abuse.
- If there are suspicions of child abuse, Neurobics will always consult a colleague or Veilig Thuis.
- Every therapist with professional confidentiality has the right, based on the Youth Care Act, to report suspected child abuse. The reporting right includes the right to provide information about the parents and/or child to the Child Abuse Reporting Center at their request, if necessary, without the child’s and/or parent’s consent.
Home neurofeedback
- Equipment loan agreement: By entering the home neurofeedback training program, all clients agree to the equipment loan agreement. This agreement outlines the terms of the loan, including the duration of the loan, the condition of the equipment upon return, and any fees or penalties associated with damage or loss.
- Communication plan: Clients must establish a clear communication plan with the neurofeedback provider. This plan includes the preferred method of communication (e.g., phone, email, video call), expected response time, and who to contact in case of technical difficulties or emergencies.
- Schedule of sessions: All clients must agree to a schedule of neurofeedback sessions, including the frequency and duration of each session.
- Payment: Payment for home neurofeedback training must be made in full before the start of the training. Clients may be subject to additional fees if equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond normal wear and tear.
- Liability: All clients assume full liability for any injury or damage resulting from the use of neurofeedback equipment during the training. The neurofeedback provider is not responsible for any adverse effects that may occur during or after the training.
- Privacy: The privacy and confidentiality of all client information is of utmost importance. All client information is kept confidential and is not shared with any third parties, except as required by law.
By participating in home neurofeedback training, all clients agree to these general terms and conditions, including the equipment loan agreement.